Do a water test at least once a week in summer and every two weeks in winter
Checking the chlorine level and especially pH will ensure pool is sparkling and clear.
An out of balance pool can turn cloudy very quickly and eventually green if chlorine level drops and pH climbs over 8
- the higher the pH the less effective chlorine can sanitise your pool
Checking the chlorine level and especially pH will ensure pool is sparkling and clear.
An out of balance pool can turn cloudy very quickly and eventually green if chlorine level drops and pH climbs over 8
- the higher the pH the less effective chlorine can sanitise your pool
A clogged skimmer basket or pump basket will restrict water flow to the pump. With a salt chlorinator that often means reduced water flow through the salt cell and low chlorine in the pool.
The skimmer basket should be emptied at least weekly or even more during stormy weather in winter. Don't forget about the pool just because it isn't being used! Your pool still needs maintenance during winter.
The skimmer basket should be emptied at least weekly or even more during stormy weather in winter. Don't forget about the pool just because it isn't being used! Your pool still needs maintenance during winter.
If your pool has had heavy usage i.e. a party or even just heaps of kids over, it is a good idea to supercholorinate the water
Organic contaminants like ammonia or nitrogen from sweat, sunscreen, mucus etc build up in a pool over time. Massive amounts of such contaminants can interact with a pool's chlorine to form chloramines, which give off that potent chlorine smell that many people associate with pools. To get rid of this harsh odor, it's necessary to superchlorinate -- or shock dose -- the pool water back to normal chlorine levels. While it may seem counterintuitive, adding a large amount of chlorine to a pool can make the undesired odor go away. Some pools should be shocked once a week, while others can go a significantly longer time.
Organic contaminants like ammonia or nitrogen from sweat, sunscreen, mucus etc build up in a pool over time. Massive amounts of such contaminants can interact with a pool's chlorine to form chloramines, which give off that potent chlorine smell that many people associate with pools. To get rid of this harsh odor, it's necessary to superchlorinate -- or shock dose -- the pool water back to normal chlorine levels. While it may seem counterintuitive, adding a large amount of chlorine to a pool can make the undesired odor go away. Some pools should be shocked once a week, while others can go a significantly longer time.
Hazy water, algae forming on sides and other problems are always due to insufficient chlorine, high pH (not enough acid added regularly), filter/pump blocked or balancing problems.
Or phosphates in the pool. Algae thrives on phosphates and can turn a pool green even though chlorine level is high. The filter wild also become clogged rapidly as the chlorine kills (oxidises) the algae. This must be eradicated by a phosphate remover
Or phosphates in the pool. Algae thrives on phosphates and can turn a pool green even though chlorine level is high. The filter wild also become clogged rapidly as the chlorine kills (oxidises) the algae. This must be eradicated by a phosphate remover
Perth has high evaporation rates in summer - as much as 10mm a DAY in January and up to 8mm a day over the 6 month swim season. Keep water level at just below top of skimmer box.
But sometimes it's difficult to determine if low water levels are due to evaporation or a leak. You can discover leaks in your pool by conducting a simple bucket test. Fill a plastic bucket three-quarters full of water. On the inside of the bucket, mark the water line. Place the bucket in the pool, then mark the water line on the outside of the container. (If the bucket has a handle, remove it to allow for better stability while floating.) Let it float for two or three days. If the water inside and outside the bucket has gone down the same amount, your pool is losing water due to evaporation. However, if the pool water level has gone down more than the water inside the bucket, your pool has a leak.
But sometimes it's difficult to determine if low water levels are due to evaporation or a leak. You can discover leaks in your pool by conducting a simple bucket test. Fill a plastic bucket three-quarters full of water. On the inside of the bucket, mark the water line. Place the bucket in the pool, then mark the water line on the outside of the container. (If the bucket has a handle, remove it to allow for better stability while floating.) Let it float for two or three days. If the water inside and outside the bucket has gone down the same amount, your pool is losing water due to evaporation. However, if the pool water level has gone down more than the water inside the bucket, your pool has a leak.
Always add chemicals to water in a bucket and pour around the edge of the pool. Never add water to chemicals. And never mix different chemicals. Pour acid very gently and slowly into a bucket of water. Add chemicals in the morning or evening. In most cases you can swim 2 hours after adding chemicals as long as the pump/filtration system has been running
The filter must run enough to turn over the complete volume of your pool water every day - one and half to times is better in summer. This is usually 8 hours a day depending on pool size and pump.
A working pressure gauge lets you know when to clean the filter.
A working pressure gauge lets you know when to clean the filter.
Big no-no: Dogs are not clean a large sized dog actually equals 30 people hugely affecting chlorine demand and makes the pool extremely dirty and dog hair clogs up everything from the skimmer to the pump basket
Just because winter sets in and it is cold don't simply forget about your pool because ``no one is using it``. Your pool still needs attention to maintain water balance and stop it turning green.If a pool is properly winterised, it can easily be reopened come swimming season without much extra expense. A good winteriser algaecide will help keep pool water in good condition.